Wednesday, December 19, 2007

My Goals

First things first - I HAVE to loose weight. The ball on this project is already moving, but after January 1, its going into overdrive. Second, I know that in Texas to complete the Basic Fire Academy (Firefighter 1 and 2) you have to complete some type of medical training. Be it a first responder course or EMT course. I have chosen the EMT-Basic route prior to starting the Fire Academy. I want to go onto Paramedic and get that RED patch, but I think for the time being EMT-B is good enough. Besides that, most departments REQUIRE EMT certs of some kind before they will hire someone. Firefighting is no longer just about running into burning buildings. The majority of the runs made now are medical. So here is my time line...might be a long shot but here goes

1) EMT-B school Mid-Feb to Mid-May??
2) Firefighter 1&2 June-August/Early Sept.
3) EMT-I school Oct-Jan 2009

After step 2 I might be looking for a job to put my new skills to use. I will cross this bridge when I get there. One last thing for tonight. Its important for me to attend the fire academy in the summer so that I can tough it out in that Texas Heat. Its dumb, but if I can survive that, I can make it though ANYTHING.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Intro - Part II

So this brings me back to present time. I have been putting this off and putting this off. I need to do this and prove to myself and to my family that I can do this. I know its not going to be a walk in the park. But I know that physically, I can do this. I did it for a year in North Texas. In the HOT, HUMID Texas air. I fought grass fires on the front lines. Rode on the front of brush trucks, bunker gear, helmet. I did not die. I never passed out. I was a different person on the front of the trucks, never thought about the heat, or my asthma or all the toxins I was breathing in. I have my goals set and my plan of attack. More on that tomorrow. My dream department to work for would be the Houston Fire Department. I lived in Houston as a kid. I love Houston. Moved back for a bit when I got older. Hope to get hired there someday. Not that I wouldn't work somewhere else, but if I get to pick, its Houston.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Intro - Part I

Well I think for the first time in a long time, I have finally put my mind to do something for the good of me. First, your probably thinking what is this blog about. Well let me see if I can help set the scene. My name is Thomas. I am 28 as of the start of this blog. I have been a 9-1-1 dispatcher since getting out of high school, only to dabble in and out and try my hand and FAIL at several other things. But dispatching, this I am good at. But I have always wanted to be a firefighter. Be a paramedic. My only hang up? Well I am not sure.
A few years ago I had a good shot at getting hired on with the Wichita Falls Fire Department. What went wrong? Well I busted my ass and got into shape and put in my application only to become ill and loose my voice for the entire month leading up to the exams. I should have kept pushing and working hard, but I was sick and you know how it is, you don't feel like doing much. Its a dumb excuse, but it just wasn't my time I guess.
More to post tomorrow....Don't want to make this read like a book.....