Monday, December 17, 2007

Intro - Part I

Well I think for the first time in a long time, I have finally put my mind to do something for the good of me. First, your probably thinking what is this blog about. Well let me see if I can help set the scene. My name is Thomas. I am 28 as of the start of this blog. I have been a 9-1-1 dispatcher since getting out of high school, only to dabble in and out and try my hand and FAIL at several other things. But dispatching, this I am good at. But I have always wanted to be a firefighter. Be a paramedic. My only hang up? Well I am not sure.
A few years ago I had a good shot at getting hired on with the Wichita Falls Fire Department. What went wrong? Well I busted my ass and got into shape and put in my application only to become ill and loose my voice for the entire month leading up to the exams. I should have kept pushing and working hard, but I was sick and you know how it is, you don't feel like doing much. Its a dumb excuse, but it just wasn't my time I guess.
More to post tomorrow....Don't want to make this read like a book.....

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